Sunday, October 24, 2010

Da Da Daaaaaaaaaa....

I'm stalled at 187, so tomorrow will be an apple day for me....

I'm SOOOO thrilled about my THIRTY POUND loss (30.4 to be exact), but I seem to have plateaued.  I'm going to give it a jump-start with an apple day tomorrow. I keep reading about a steak day, and it sounds absolutely tasty, but I want to spend the rest of today looking into it before I decide whether or not it's something I want to do....

Playing catch up.....
no change
Numbers are the same as of today, but they will most definitely decrease after tomorrow. I'm sure of it :)
Oh, my diet has remained the same. I haven't explored much since I've started the diet. I stick to tilapia, chicken, and cabbage. I bought crab, but found out that imitation crab wasn't the best to consume on this particular diet. I have come to LOVE cabbage. I crave it all hours of the day. It's strange. Some days I'll eat only cabbage. It's sooooo good lol :)
Well, that's it for me as of now. I'm gonna get back to this "I Dream of Jeannie" marathon lol :)


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