Monday, October 11, 2010

I Think It's Working Now....

*Fingers crossed* I haven't experienced any hunger after my impromptu 3rd day of loading.

More after the jump>>>

I don't want to jinx it, but I have not experienced any hunger. I just tried eating sliced tomatoes with salt and pepper as an in between snack room. I allotted 250 calories for lunch and 194 basically filled me to this point. Feeling like It's gonna be a breeze *fingers crossed* again.

2 cups- Seattle's Best Cinnabon (flavored) Coffee
2tsps- milk
6pks- Sweet n Low
I've developed a nasty coffee "addiction" through this journey... lol

Lunch (2pm):
Sun Dried Tomato Basil (Soy burger patty)
7oz.-  Cabbage
1- Grissini Breadstick

Snack (3:30):
1- Grissini Breadstick 
1- Gala Apple

Snack (5:15):
1 sliced tomato w/salt and pepper
haven't quite gotten through this one yet.... totally stuffed

**Intended Dinner:
7 1/2-8 oz. of cabbage 
I think that's gonna be it... can't see me taking anything more

I'll let you all know how it goes. Oh, great news too.... Even with my extra day of loading I woke up to only a 0.6lbs gain. Amazing right? I had pop tarts. Chessman cookies. BBQ Ruffles potato chips. Dominoes Pizza, and cinnastix with icing. I was in PAIN last night lol. I just knew that I would wake up to a 5 or 6 pound gain lol. 

I hope this is it....
~Hopeful Dieter

P.S. I should add that I upped my hCG dosage to 30cc's(175i.u's) as well :) That's definitely an important detail lol

**Updated to add**

474 Calories for the day, and I'm completely FULL!


  1. You are doing really well! I tried this diet a couple of months ago and did fairly well at first, but started down the cheating road and never came back. I lost 20 lbs, but have gained 10 lbs of it back. I just ordered some more drops and am going to try again Monday. I have good resolve right now, but will I have the same resolve after 2 weeks without a beer? lol

  2. Thank you!!! AWESOME! I'm just seeing this post... How did Monday go for you?

  3. Sorry I haven't updated you, but better late than never...

    Got through a 43 day round and lost 32 pounds. I was very proud of myself, as I did not cheat one time, not even with alcohol. I was definitely ready to be done with Phase 2 by day 43! But, I feel great!

    I am now 4 weeks into maintenance and have gained about 5 lbs back due to the holidays, but I feel ok about it. My friends were in shock when they saw me, as I hid out for the six weeks in Phase 2. It was really a confidence builder!

    I have 2 more weeks of maintenance until I go for another Round. I still have 40 lbs to go, but at least I know it is achievable now. I am ready to get some more of this weight off!


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