Sunday, October 3, 2010

FINALLY!!! DAY ONE.... Loading

I've done a great job at maintaining a weight under 195 for the last few days....
More after the jump>>>

Honestly, it has been fluctuating because I've been flirting a little more with other food options; but the good thing is that I wanted to start at 195, and I am! 
(For the record had I stuck to mainly steamers and fruit, instead of Subway and Sushi, I could have most definitely been at about 188 right now.)

So, the exciting news it that I begin my injections today! WHOO HOO! I have to say that I was sooo nervous mixing my hCG, but I'm positive that I did it correctly. It did take several tries, but I finally got it together. 

Now, even though I took all of the precautions such as injecting air into the vials before abstracting the solution I had a hard time getting rid of the air bubbles (usually one small bubble at the tip or the top). It was much more difficult than it seems, but I'm sure I'll get better over time :-) 

Guess what I'm about to dooooo....
YEP!!! You guessed it! International House of Pancakes HEEERE III COOOME!!!! Hubby's on vacation for the week, and we're going all out to enjoy these first two days :) It's gonna be GREAT!

I'll be back in the a.m. to update with a full account of my intake for Load day 1. Pen and pad will stay handy today.

Hungry for adventure...
~Hopeful Dieter 
***Updated to add***

I know that everyone says this, but surprisingly this didn't hurt at all! I'm very happy about that. I am a super coward when it comes to needles and I really felt that sticking myself would surely be a problem. NOPE!... not at all :) It's a tad sore, but that's pretty normal for me. I literally had to look to make sure the needle was inside of me because I just could NOT feel it.

Sorry it's so blurry. Hubster's not the best with a camera lol

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