About this Blog

I created this blog as a way to keep up with my own progress, as well as support others who are on the journey with me, and enlighten people who are inquisitive about this particular method of weight loss. I am like most who will probably visit this blog; aspiring to lose weight and aiming to lose it fairly quickly. I have spent countless hours researching this method, and just as there were several articles raving about the method, there were also several articles I found that discouraged me from trying it. About 8 months after hearing about the hCG diet for the first time (finally fed up with myself and my failed efforts to shed the undesired pounds) I visited a weight loss clinic where I learned about the benefits of hCG. Initially I was stunned and reluctant, but, the more I learned about the method, the more I wanted to give it a try. 
About a week after my visit to the clinic, I decided to purchase hCG, and this blog is intended to document what will hopefully be the end of my relentless journey to shed my unwanted fat. 

The good; The bad, and the Ugly!
I am grateful to everyone who has visited my site, and I would like to express my sincere appreciation for all of the support I've received thus far. 
Thank you
~Hopeful Dieter
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