Tuesday, October 5, 2010


WOW! So, I wasn't really expecting to lose anything in my load days.....

More after the jump>>>

WOW again! When I tell you guys what I ate yesterday you should completely understand my amazement. I'm sure you will

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts 
(I was so excited about this)

Lunch & Dinner:
Panda Express 
Kobari Beef, Beef and Brocolli w/Chow Mien
The combo plates are huge and the chow mein is very filling, so I usually eat on their meals for 2-3 days
That's a LOT of food lol
I ate the Kobari Beef for lunch and finished the Beef and Broccoli for dinner :) 

Caramel Frozen Yogurt (Yoku Yoku) 

with more Krispy Kreme originals...
I tried to eat two Oreo's last night, but I couldn't take it lol

So, let's get this straight! 
I consumed a total of 5 Krispy Kreme doughnuts yesterday; 3 original glazed, 1 Maple long john, and 1 glazed twist. 1 full Panda Express combo, caramel frozen yogurt, and still lost 1 pound!?.....WHAAAAAAA!!??

Total weight gained during load days: 2lbs. LOL
No loss in body fat... which sorta concerns me (because this number is usually directly related), but we'll check on it tomorrow.
Hey, I am baffled, but I'm NOT complaining... trust me! Let's hope I can keep this momentum up. Fingers crossed. 

Today's menu isn't as exciting, but for some reason I think I'll like it a lot better lol. It's more my speed these days. I've been nauseous for the last two days. Not that it wasn't delicious... because it was, but I don't think my body cares for that kind of eating anymore. (Not complaining)

I'll partake in a little green tea this morning; sweetened with either Stevia or Honey. I haven't decided yet, but I'll be sure to let you guys know tomorrow. 

For Lunch I'll grill a little tilapia with lemon, slice a tomato,  and have 1 plain grissino.  

My snack will be half of a grapefruit.

For dinner I intend to do the same, but I'll eat grilled chicken breast instead of tilapia.

Oh, and I can't forget my water. The book states that I should be consuming at least 2 liters of the fluids allowed. 

Wish me luck guys! Off to inject. 

~Hopeful Dieter

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