Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm So Over Lazy!

Yesterday I discussed how I wanted to make sure I was eating correctly while on phentermine, so that I would be sure not to gain the weight back once I stop taking it (between the start of hCG, since I have to wait a week).

Pictures after the jump>>>

Monday, August 30, 2010

Phentermine... How I really feel.

  After using this method for 5 days,  I'm now confident that I can provide a well rounded review.

More after the jump>>>

Sunday, August 29, 2010

In the Words of Jean Paul Sartre.....


I am anxious to begin my hCG treatment, but...
As long as the scale is changing.... Mama ain't complaining. 

Pictures after the jump>>>

Not Just In My Head....

Hey guys,

While I was beaming about my progress all day yesterday, I thought to myself...
 Couldn't be possible that I would actually SEE any progress just yet; Right?

Pictures after the jump....

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Doubletakes, but No Mistakes.... ***weight update***

Hey guys!

I know it seems a little quick for a weight update, but, from the previous posts you've probably noticed that my plans to begin the hCG injections have been sidetracked. BOO I know, but there's good news after all. Since my doctor previously prescribed phentermine I decided to comply with his plan (since I'd already gained 6 lbs from a week of loading) and drop whatever I can before I begin the hCG diet. If you remember, I began loading a week before what was scheduled to be my first injection, because according to Dr. Simeons protocol (click to download) If prior to beginning, you have been on a restricted low fat diet, it is suggested that you begin gorging 1 week in advance. (Pg. 19 Gain before Loss)
Patients whose general condition is low, owing to excessive previous dieting, must eat to capacity for about one week before starting treatment, regardless of how much weight they may gain in the process. One cannot keep a patient comfortably on 500 Calories unless his normal fat reserves are reasonably well stocked.
My phentermine pill

More after the jump....

Friday, August 27, 2010

Don't Judge Me....

Well, as promised....Here goes....
Please know that this post is really emotional for me, and very hard to do. 

That tummy wasn't there two years ago!

More after the jump....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Skip to the "Afters" Please....

Boy I know the feeling... :-/
So, I took the dreaded before pictures this evening.....

More after the jump....

New Road to Preparedness...

I have no other choice but to wait, so my initial plan has been scrapped. As I said in the original post, my doctor has already prescribed Phentermine. I was hesitant to begin with this method, but not for any reason other than the sheer excitement about hCG. So, I guess I'll begin with the tablets, workout, and watch my intake. Booooriiing, and once I've received my supply of REAL hCG I will be on my way in no time.

More after the jump....

Prepared!... Or so I thought....

I had a conversation with Desiree of HcgdietJourney this morning, and I spoke about my hopes for my journey.
Her response: 
Just follow the basics, use real hCG and you will be amazed. 
I researched her site back and forth before I took the financial plunge. I prepared myself with knowledge and information about the product I would now be introducing into my system, and I compared what was available on the market through several google searches.
Wrong idea maybe?

More after the jump....

Flipped the Script....


So, I deviated from the plan yesterday.

More after the jump....

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Date With the Grocer...

I've planned my first shopping list for my start of phase 2 :) Yaaay! And it goes a little something like this....

More after the jump....

Youtube Me??

Should I?

Hmmm... Idk. It sounds interesting. It would also be great to look back on it when I'm 30 pounds lighter right? :)

Maybe.......It's a thought.

I'll stick to blogging for now. If anything, I'll start it when I administer my first drops :)
***I know there aren't many who know I'm here yet, but for those who are... if this sounds interesting please let me know :).

~Hopeful Dieter

Go For It!

 So, I visited my doctor (for my blood work results) yesterday afternoon. I like to know that I am perfectly healthy before I begin new diets. I got a physical 2 weeks ago. He took blood last week, and this week he came back with bundles of good news. I'm as healthy as a brand new whistle. Blood sugar is normal. Kidney and liver function... normal. He said that he would've expected that my triglycerides number would've been a little high, but...... normal. HA! His advice to me was "whatever you were doing, keep doing it" LOL Of course he wants me to add at least one hour of exercise, and decrease the meal sizes :), but that's a given. LOL 

More after the jump....

Monday, August 23, 2010

Here Goes....

Sooo, I recently purchased my HcG..... Let's start from the top. 

Ok. I'm 25, 5'4", and about...saaaaay... 75lbs. overweight. I can't say that I don't know how it's gotten this far because I'd be lying. I love tasty treats PERIOD, but it's been past time to do something about it. I've developed different health issues that relate to my weight. I have a weak right knee, killer back aches that surface during periods of long standing, and my breasts have grown to an unimaginable size (for me anyway lol) I mean...my husband loves them, but they're killing me. Not to mention the unappealing face, belly, and arm fat for which I have no words :-/. The doctor says it's definitely the weight and prescribed a weight loss pill, which I am not against taking, but I'd really like to try this method first. I've heard so many things about it, good and bad and I admit that I am a tad skeptical, but I am definitely hoping for the best. What's ironic about this entire thing is that I told my husband that I am not willing to bear a child until I can successful get and keep my weight down at a healthy BMI. Who "woulda thunk" that this would be the very hormone to help me lose it? Funny right!? :-) 

So, What's my purpose?? 
I am creating this blog as a way to keep up with my own progress as well as help others who are interested in purchasing this product to make their decision. 

Honestly, when I was researching the product I realized that there weren't many people who offered consistent reviews of this product (i.e. people started blogs and stopped blogging on the 7th day lol, or just plain ol' stopped the diet) and every review I found seemed to somehow be a paid advertisement for the company I purchased from. I hoping that this blog will become a resource for someone who is seriously considering this method. It's not a cheap method (affordable, but not cheap), so any assistance to help make the decision, I'm sure, will be appreciated. Yes, I'll be your guinea pig :)

I received my package in the mail about a week ago, and I read in the book that I shouldn't administer the hormone during my cycle, so I am waiting around for now. I should begin around the 30th. I purchased the sublingual drops, which I hear are no different from the shot other than the fact that some people become hungry on this one whereas they aren't hungry with the shots.... We'll see. :-) For now, I'm gorging... trust me... the book said so LOL. It says that I should gorge a week before I begin since I have been on restricted diets before now. I need to replenish my fat supplies LOL, so I've stuffed myself with any and everything high in fat that I could find. :) It was awesome the first few days, but I must say... I'm reeeaally starting to FEEL like a fat a**, so I'm gonna slow it down just a little. The pastry for breakfast and Hamburger for lunch, should do it for now. :-)

I'll weigh in immediately following my cycle, and I promise to be as honest as honest comes about my journey....Again we'll see where this goes. 

Hopeful Dieter
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