Thursday, August 26, 2010

Skip to the "Afters" Please....

Boy I know the feeling... :-/
So, I took the dreaded before pictures this evening.....

More after the jump....
They are by far the most unflattering photo's I have ever taken in my life. I am quite embarrassed of them, and nothing in me wishes to share them with an online community of any sort, or anyone for that matter.... buuuuut! Since I promised honesty, with myself and other hopefuls, I will............. Tomorrow LOL. I need to mentally prepare myself for this task. May the force be with me....

Stay tuned
~Hopeful Dieter.

**Oh, I took my first Phentermine pill today (from here on out known as Plan B).... talk about jitters. GEESH! So consider these pics my "before phentermine/prehCG pics" Can't wait to begin my first hCG round. I'm growing impatient *tap tap tap.

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