Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Go For It!

 So, I visited my doctor (for my blood work results) yesterday afternoon. I like to know that I am perfectly healthy before I begin new diets. I got a physical 2 weeks ago. He took blood last week, and this week he came back with bundles of good news. I'm as healthy as a brand new whistle. Blood sugar is normal. Kidney and liver function... normal. He said that he would've expected that my triglycerides number would've been a little high, but...... normal. HA! His advice to me was "whatever you were doing, keep doing it" LOL Of course he wants me to add at least one hour of exercise, and decrease the meal sizes :), but that's a given. LOL 

More after the jump....
On another note.... I weighed in yesterday. The last two weeks I was 213 (week one) and 212 (week two). This week I was 218. He was more than surprised, so I had to dish about my new weight loss plan. This was never something that was recommended by my personal physician, but by a medical weight loss facility. His response was that he didn't know enough about it to say that I shouldn't do it, but he's seen patients who have had great results with it. My doctor doubles as a cosmetic surgeon (HA! that's L.A. for ya) so, he's interested to see how this turns out. Even scheduled for me to come in again in 1 month to check up on my progress.
     Okay so, SIX pounds in 1 week. SHAMWOW! The book said that this weight gain is normal (from the gorging), and that I should see it fall back off within the first 48 hours.... I'm praying that it's true. But hey, at least I know I'm on the right track right!? LOL My husband was NOT ecstatic to hear that. I mean, he's never had an issue with my weight/weight gain, but I think hearing 218 really didn't sit well with him, so.... he monitored everything that went into my mouth last night. Annoying to say the least, but.... I understand, and definitely appreciate the support. Nonetheless, it doesn't change the fact that it's annoying.

In other news.... TMI, but my cycle began this morning. Never have I EVER been so anxious to see my aunt flow again. She's right on time, and I am well on my way to my first drop of HcG on the 30th. Maybe even sooner since I didn't expect her until tomorrow morning :) Well, wish me luck! Off to exercise (which I will continue to do throughout my HcG journey). Ciao!

~Hopeful Dieter.

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