Monday, August 30, 2010

Phentermine... How I really feel.

  After using this method for 5 days,  I'm now confident that I can provide a well rounded review.

More after the jump>>>

First, what is Phentermine?
Phentermine, is an FDA approved diet pill designed to assist medically obese patients to achieve their weight loss goals. It is used in combination with diet and exercise, and works by decreasing appetite. It belongs to the Sympathomimetic family and has actions similar to those of Dextroamphetamine. The ideal use of Phentermine is not only as an appetite suppressant, but as a behavioral therapy method. Ideally while using this drug you should study knew ways to eat and exercise. By implementing those new behaviors for the 4-6 weeks that you would probably be on the medication, you should become used to such (or it should at least become easier). Phentermine is available by prescription only and suggested only for use only under the supervision of a physician.

How does it work?
Like the hCG treatment, Phentermine works by stimulating the hypothalamus gland. It communicates with certain neurotransmitters that control appetite.

My two cents....
Overall, I think that it's great for something short term.

Even though I've experienced a quick weight drop, I am very uneasy about the compound and the possible effects that it could have. They are petrifying.
 My doctor prescribed a 37.5 MG tablet and the first day I took it I felt 6 of the 32 side effects listed on my drug description pamphlet. I was totally nervous about that, but my doctor forewarned me that I should consider taking half of a pill if I experience adverse effects. I got through the rest of that day just fine, but every other second I felt like I needed to move/walk/run.... just something! When I wasn't physically moving, my mind was.
I had a feeling of lightness. I don't know any other way to explain it; I just felt light. Not light-headed. Just light (not heavy). Almost like I was floating from one point to another. It feels very much like you would probably feel if you were on speed.... probably because essentially that's what it is.

The second day wasn't as bad. I did decide to take another full pill despite the side effects I experienced. I don't know if it was that I was more prepared for what I would feel, or the fact that maybe my body was just over the initial shock. Either way, I only experienced a high level of energy, a few jitters, and little anxiousness. That's it.
From then until now.... Pretty much the same as the second day, minus the jitters. The feeling of anxiousness is still present, but the level subsides daily. I guess my body is adjusting.

Eating.... I have to remind myself to eat as well as drink water. I have a hard time eating when I am not experiencing the feeling of hunger. I'm not an emotional eater nor have I ever been. In fact, I'm the complete opposite. My weight comes from bad choices, worse choices, and a little heredity LOL
....But back to the point. I have eaten less than 700 calories daily since I've started the meds. This part worries me since I don't believe for one second that I would actually be able to keep the weight off once I stop taking it. Starting today I am working on consuming at least 1500 calories. With the meds, the 1500 calories, and my hour exercise routine, the weight should still decrease pretty quickly.
The positive is that I plan to begin my hCG treatments once I have completed this, so I should be fine and fairly stable after phase 3.

My prescription is a 30 day no refills prescription, and I will keep it that way. Although I have, and continue to experience great success with this product, I could never condone long term usage. However, I do suggest it as an option for people who are battling weight issues. Under the supervision of your primary care physician, and with short-term use, you can successfully kick start your loss by at least 20 pounds in 30 days. I think it's an awesome way to to get people motivated to continue to lose. I know it is for me :) I'm down another 2 pounds today!  It's exciting.

Weight down 2lbs 8/29-8/30
Body fat down .3% 8/29-8/30
BMI down .4% 8/29-8/30
Refer to the last post for weight comparison. 
In short - Good results, but risky.

~Hopeful Dieter

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