Sunday, August 29, 2010

In the Words of Jean Paul Sartre.....


I am anxious to begin my hCG treatment, but...
As long as the scale is changing.... Mama ain't complaining. 

Pictures after the jump>>>

I'm not sure if my hCG has been shipped yet, but even if it has, I presume it'll be another week or so before I receive it. I was told it generally takes about two weeks.

In the mean time....the little pill is doing a decent job. 
***Review coming tomorrow***
Click to enlarge

The more weight lost... The BETTER! 
 Maybe I can get to 195 before I begin hCG... That would be AWESOME since that would put me 18 pounds ahead of my "square one"!

Let me explain my reasoning: 
If I began treatment at 218 (which is what I weighed after 1 week of loading), and typically based on average results I could expect to lose anywhere from 15-30 lbs in 30 days... Then logically that means, even if I go with the high end it would take me two and one half treatments (176 days/5 months) to reach my goal weight of 140(78lbs), which is noooo problem trust me! But, if I begin treatment at 195 (or better), based on an average exceptional result of 30 in 30, it would only take two treatments (102 days/3 months) to surpass my goal. 
click to enlarge
Let's go even further....
If I only lost 20 lbs from each round, that would still put me at 155 in 3 months. Add 1 more round to that and I could be reporting a final weight of anywhere from 125 to 140(55-70lbs). 
*** Note: All of these numbers are of course based on a no cheating/faltering agenda.*** 

The alternative is way more "awesomer" than the original. Don't you agree?

*On another note* 
This is totally another post, but I spent almost 3 hours last night watching hCG injection tutorials. It seems fairly simple, so why am I so nervous? .... I'll save this for another day, but I'd definitely appreciate all of the help I can get on this one. I'd be completely devastated if I botched my first batch :/ HELP... PLEASE!

Btw... when I look at my needles I cringe a little bit :-/.

~Hopeful Dieter

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