Thursday, August 26, 2010

Flipped the Script....


So, I deviated from the plan yesterday.

More after the jump....

I went to Whole Foods for all of my nutritional needs and I am feeling the burn from doing so. I stopped at WF's because it was on the way home (even though TJ's is close as well) and I just didn't feel like driving 2 minutes up the other way :-/ Lazy huh? Sure it is. I have to work on that. I'm hoping that my energy levels really do improve significantly with this weight loss because I've noticed that since I have gained weight, I have less of a desire to move around. I know that may be heavy for some, but I started this blog to open up and have a complete and honest account of my experience. As much as I don't like thinking of myself in that way I believe that completely opening up about what I've been feeling is good therapy for me. This particular experience.... sad, but so true.
So, money doesn't grow here? Are you sure?
Ok, back to the point. I spent $57 and some change on my shopping list (Minus the red onion and the Melba toast). My buggy wasn't even close to half full.
It wasn't even a quarter full. LOL
I know for sure that my pockets would've fared better had I stopped at Trader Joe's instead, but, I guess that's the price of being lazy huh? Oh well. Hey, you live and you learn right?! :-/

Onward and Upward,
~Hopeful dieter

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