Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm So Over Lazy!

Yesterday I discussed how I wanted to make sure I was eating correctly while on phentermine, so that I would be sure not to gain the weight back once I stop taking it (between the start of hCG, since I have to wait a week).

Pictures after the jump>>>

I didn't quite get to 1500 calories but I did get pretty close. It was mostly snacking (an example of those bad and worse decisions), and since yesterday was a pretty hectic day for me I did not find the time I needed to exercise. I really thought about it once I got home and sat down, but I let lazy get the best of me. This has resulted in no weight shift at all, and a .1% gain in body fat......................Dang wheat thins!
.1% increase
Moral of the story...... No good can come from laziness. 
I won't miss a beat from today on out! I have goals that need to be reached, and no tolerance for that attitude anymore. This has become my year of NO EXCUSES! I won't accept ANY from myself and if you're in my same position you shouldn't either.

Lesson Learned
~Hopeful Dieter

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