Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Last night I got home around 8pm, and even though I was unwilling, I found time to get a good workout in before bed..... :)

More after the jump>>> 

I've been recording a series called Shimmy for some time, and I've completed several episodes in the last month. Recently I strayed away, but for no reason in particular; just a bout of laziness. I have to say that I absolutely love this series. It makes exercising fun! If any of you are anything like me, you probably hate feeling like you're working out. It's so much easier for me to take my mind off of the pain of it when the workout is engaging and exciting.
Shimmy airs Tuesday nights on the FitTv network. I'm not exactly sure what time, but I believe it's primetime :). They air reruns all week long, so you may be able to catch one tonight. If you try, let me know how you like it! I also suggest anything that Kendall Hogan is instructing. He's awesome. He mixes a little modern choreography into classic exercise moves, and then challenges your memory and coordination by putting it all together in the end. It's really fun! Don't believe me? Try it! I'm sure you can find a few things on Youtube, and I know he appears often on Exercise TV. Again, if anyone decides to give him a try; let me know how it works out for you. I'd love to know!

Well, I'm going to jump on the scale.... may the force be with me! *fingers crossed* I hope I can come back with awesome news :)

Until later
~Hopeful Dieter

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