Monday, September 13, 2010


My shipment is Inbound out of customs as of Sept. 12, 2010 @ 6:32p.m! YAAAY! The trip from NY to LA is next.....

Pictures after the jump>>>

Gosh, this is a long (but worthwhile) wait lol. I'm beginning to think that I should be placing my order for my second round right about now. Does anyone know how that works? Will it lose any potency if it's just sitting around my place? I know that it can if it's mixed, but what about in powder form? Is it best to just place the order a few weeks before I'll need it? Would love your opinions :-).

Click to enlarge
 Even though I haven't began my treatment -- because of my thorough research, I consider myself competent enough to answer questions regarding general (and sometimes in depth) information. I got a few questions yesterday that just completely stumped me, and that made me realize that I had so many more questions about it than I'd first realized. So, if you're reading this and you'd be so gracious as to help, that would be a whole bucket of awesome sauce!

First, what is the imperceptible difference between the Kevin Trudeau's protocol and Dr. Simeon's? I've resolved to follow Dr. Simeons protocol, but before yesterday that was a matter of preference. Is Trudeau's protocol perceived to be "better"? Will it yield more attractive results? Or, is it just as I thought; a matter of preference?
I ask this because I couldn't explain my decision to follow Dr. Simeon's protocol other than the fact that I've read the book Pounds and Inches. 95% of my information is based on this manuscript, but I am very aware that there are variations of the diet.

Secondly, I've searched the book back and forth for it, but, can't seem to find or even understand why deviating from the food choices, even if it were healthy and stayed within the 500 calories, would adversely affect your day to day results.
Before yesterday I just took it for what it is; no questions asked. I don't at all intend to diverge from protocol, but it bothered me that I couldn't provide the necessary information when asked. I am also now wildly curious; especially since I'm finding so many, so called, successful variations on the diet.

Thirdly, can anyone describe the "hunger" in detail? If it's one thing I detest, that's being intensely hungry. I've heard from some people that they don't experience hunger. The book also mentions that in some studies patients even experienced difficulty fulfilling the 500cals. I've also read that some experience mild to intense hunger. If this has been your experience, can you explain? I would totally appreciate it and love you forever! :-)

Lastly, If there is anyone reading this that has followed a protocol other than Dr. Simeon's please do share. I'd love to hear about your results and get your thoughts on it.

**9/13 Plan B Update**

So, I was really hoping that today would be my day to celebrate being in the 100's again, but.... nope. 0.2lb weight decrease, <0.1% BMI,  and BF remains the same. Oh, and can you guess what I ate yesterday???

Yep, you guessed it.....
actual salad not pictured
This time it was extremely light. I made it myself with a little more than a handful of romaine lettuce, a dash of pepper, and less than 2tbsps of Fat Free Italian dressing. That's IT! There was next to NOTHING on this salad. I feel like I can't win with them, and that's unfortunate since I love them. I went to Tarjay' looking for Walden Farms salad dressing, but didn't find... I'll try the one closer to my house today :) I'm gonna give this salad thing ONE more try. I mean I did actually see a drop this time; just not what I expected. But hey.... at least it wasn't a gain right?

~Hopeful Dieter

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had some advice for you. I hope you find it though. Keep up the good work. Love the site.


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