Wednesday, September 22, 2010



More after the jump>>>

OMG! SUCCESS!!! I stepped on the scale to the tune of 198.2 this morning! Do you know what this means? It means I've reached the "impossible" 20

<1.2 for a total of 20lbs

In my case, it also means I've dropped what my Dr. asked me to drop 3 weeks and 2days ahead of schedule! I'm not sure if I've shared this before now but other than just wanting me to lose weight, my Dr. also wanted to see how my breasts would respond to the weight loss. Depending on the results... I could be eligible for a breast reduction, which is something I did request. So.... YAAAY for smaller boobs.
It's so funny because I always meet so many people that want bigger boobies and my response is always "HERE, Take some of mine!" LOL. Well, I set an appt. for the Dr. to have a looksies tomorrow... I'll let you know what he says :)

As for BMI and BF....
1.8% total loss in BMI 
<0.2% for a total of 1.8

1.5% total loss in Body Fat
<0.1% for a total of 1.5
Consistent great news here! 

3.2lbs to go before hCG!
~Hopeful Dieter

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