Sunday, September 5, 2010


 Yesterday while I was working, I experienced one of the worst hunger pangs I've ever experienced in my life. Not only was it painful, It was loud; so it was quite embarrassing. I'd forgotten all of my meals at home, and my stomach began to pay for my brains' mistake. Unable/unwilling to sit through the pain and embarrassment, I headed towards the nearest restaurant, which happened to be a BBQ joint. I ordered possibly the lightest thing on the menu..... but that isn't saying much.

More after the jump>>>

Not the actual salad...LOL
A BBQ chicken salad.....*blank stare*..... and when I opened it, I knew I was in trouble. I honestly didn't eat anywhere NEAR the entire salad. There was sooooo much meat, hardly any salad, and to top it off, their dressing selection was limited. I was doomed to ranch and all of it's other cousins. As I stated before, I'm not a chicken fan at all; so I certainly wasn't gonna eat it dry.... lol
I would say I ate about 2 handfuls of the salad throughout the entire day. Sad to say, I woke up this morning to a .2lbs increase on the scale. Good thing is that the BF and BMI percentages haven't been affected at all in this decision. Better news is that it's only .2lbs. I'm confident that I can drop that easily today :)

Sooo, let me stay true to my word, and hit the Shimmy!

Laters :)
~Hopeful Dieter

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