Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's That Time Again.....

Day 16 of my Pre-hCG journey....

Pictures after the jump>>>

 6.6 lbs to go

Ok, so no I didn't achieve 195 in a week, but hey, I did a pretty good job... no? I saw a whole 1lb drop on the scale this morning. You can imagine my excitement without the visual right? Well, let's just say I probably lost a pound celebrating! YES, I am a winner!
 Yesterday I enjoyed a small bowl of Cheerio's (I added my own honey) for breakfast. I had a box of raisins that I snacked on throughout the day. It was a small box, but they're so sweet that I can't eat them all at once. I messed over another salad, but since it wasn't all dressed up how I like, I didn't enjoy it as much. I'm just being honest. I ate it, but have you ever seen a kid eat brussels sprouts? 

Yea, it was kinda like that.....
Someone suggested a new salad dressing yesterday! I'm going to get it today. Can't wait to try it; hope it helps with my salad dilemma lol. 

**On to the good stuff**

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

I'm on top of the world! 

~Hopeful Dieter


  1. Well done! You go girl! I like reading your blog.
    I just started the HCG diet a week ago and have managed to lose some. I have such a long way to go, I'm at 223 and my goal is 145. It really helps me to stay inspired when I read about the experiences others are facing also.
    Thank you,

  2. Thank you so much! Writing about the experience is therapeutic for me. It definitely helps to keep me inspired, along with reading other stories, and the support I've been receiving. Every day I'm hoping to blog about progress, so that makes it less difficult to say "No" to that piece of bread, or that cookie :)

    I hope that you stay in touch. I'd love to know how your treatment is going. 223 is close to where I started 2 weeks ago, and I'm already down to 200. I know it's cliche' but TRUST ME, if I can do you can too! I'm rooting for you!


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