Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another Day Another Pound....

So far so good! Success is by far tastier than Krispy Kreme could ever be.....

Pictures after the jump>>>

 I'm feeling too cool for school right about now! I am .9lbs away from being in the 100's again, and 5.8lbs from Goal #1! 


I wish my emotions were visuals! I imagine that if you could see (in color) what I feel right now -- it'd be like Kandinsky & Pollock's love child; who fell for Dali, but it didn't quite work out, so she sought solace in her new best friend Warhol; who introduced her to van Gogh, with whom she created something like Michelangelo. 

 Yea,  Kinda like that....

It's just a beautiful feeling!

After so many diets gone wrong, it's awesome to finally get one right! The coolest part about this entire process is that I'm NOT starving, I'm NOT grumpy, I'm NOT discouraged. As a matter of fact, it's the total opposite; I'm happy, full of energy, and ueber motivated. Just think... this is only the beginning! I haven't even began my hCG treatment (still in customs as of 9/12). I can only imagine the kind of success I'll have. I get really excited when I think about that!

**Today's update**
<0.8lb decrease 
<0.1% decrease
<0.1% decrease

 It's always so cool to actually see the BF and BMI percentages decreasing along with the weight. I've heard a lot of stories where that has not always been the case. Glad to know that I'm actually losing FAT and not muscle.... On that note, I'm going for a walk; maybe I'll get to "Shimmy what I got" later LOL

Feeling like a success
~Hopeful Dieter

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