Sunday, September 26, 2010

AAAND It Begins....

Surpassing goals....

Pictures after the jump>>>

Yesterday was a crazy day! I spent the morning with my new goddaughter and got to do a little shopping! I promised myself that I would not shop until I reached my overall goal, but I can't very well have "saggy-booty syndrome" can I? It was a pleasant experience; seeing as though I was shopping because my pants are beginning to sag! YAAAY! Since I didn't get to update yesterday this entry will cover my 9/25 update as well!

As I said on on 9/24 0.6lbs haven't been much of a problem to lose these days (I LOVE that I can say that!), so I was pretty sure that I'd be at least 195.0 on 9/25 if everything went as planned. Luckily, I was right! The cool part about this was that I was able to consume a small sized vanilla custard frozen yogurt (my favorite) from Yoku Yoku and STILL drop :)

Eating habits have remained the same, I'm sure I don't have to mention another steamer lol. I've gotten a little more adventurous with my food choices, but I do everything in moderation and I can honestly say that I feel fulfilled.

**9/25 Update**
<0.6 lbs
no change

I don't know if I can consider walking the full mall twice as my exercise on 9/25, but I did something great because I had Yoku Yoku again, and still managed to lose a full pound! :)

**9/26 Update**
I'm excited about surpassing my goal! This is good stuff!

So, here's the news... One of my besties has a bday approaching and I happen to be planning a surprise gathering at a very nice Pan Asian restaurant called Rock Sugar. This event is scheduled for Oct. 3, and after speaking with my hubby about it I think that I am going to hold off on beginning my injections until that day. That way I can enjoy myself, and the party can double as my first load day :) Also, the hubster's vacation begins on the same day so we can have a little restaurant fun for two days. I'm so anxious to begin, but it just makes much more sense to do it this way.

In other news.... I have new side by side pics!!!! YAAAY

So, this is new.... I've actually never done a side by side of my back, but I've taken the pics every time. I think I just cringe every time I see it, so I just conveniently left them out lol. Yesterday was no different; I got a new back shot, and for the first time I noticed a positive difference!
It's not the best, but it's obviously getting there.... and I can really appreciate that!

Off to run now... I've been doing a lot of that lately! Feels so good to say that :)

Happy days,
~Hopeful Dieter

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