Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Difference A Day Makes....

I didn't get to post my 9/7 update yesterday. Busy day, but the good news is that I've seen progress on both mornings since the 6th, so this update will cover the progress from both days; 6th-7th progress and 7th-8th progress.

Pictures after the jump>>>

9/6 - I didn't record what I ate on this day. I usually rely on the blog to keep record of what I've done. *note to self - I have to start writing it down.

9/7 - I was so busy yesterday that I didn't eat anywhere near as much as I should have. I ended up going to bed with a tummy ache :( Hubs said it was the snacking. He may have been right. I kinda skipped breakfast. I had blueberry tea. I searched my refrigerator for strawberries, but for some reason couldn't find them.... I'll have to choke "SOMEone" for eating all of the the berries later LOL.

I ate a turkey sandwich with tomato, pickle, mayo, and mustard for lunch. I also had a handful of cheddar cheese ruffles and snacked twice on 100 calorie snacks (not the best idea). For dinner I microwaved a butter rice steamer. I ate less than a cupful and throughout the day I didn't drink nearly as much water as I should have.... booo me! My workout consisted of a 5 minute stretch, 5 minute warm up and a 30 minute walk. Got a light sweat and felt great after! Good day :)

9/8 - The day is just beginning. So far I've drank 12 ounces of water.... 89 ounces to go LOL. I plan to walk 15 minutes and then run 15 minutes. We'll see how my body holds up. Exercising was a lot less of a hassle yesterday; especially since I'm 15 pounds lighter. My back didn't hurt, my knees were not aching.... I'm loving it!!!!!

I'm getting there! YAAAY!
Click to enlarge
The compliments keep coming! Super esteem power up! :)

Until Later,
~Hopeful Dieter

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