Friday, September 3, 2010

FINALLY! **weight update**

FINALLY!!!! After a THREE day stall, I'm able to announce another drop!

Pictures after the jump>>>

I can't say that I was beginning to feel discouraged, but I was definitely experiencing more than a little frustration with the stall. I think that I felt this way because I wasn't sure why I wasn't dropping at the same rate. I kind of had an idea about the wheat thins, but continued to carry them with me for another two days.... (Go figure!). Then, yesterday I completely eliminated wheat thins from my snack choices, and decided to snack on strawberries instead. I kept breakfast very light with 1/2 bowl of maple syrup and brown sugar flavored oatmeal. I didn't mean to, but I skipped lunch all together, and hubby cooked the best pasta I've ever tasted for dinner. It had shrimp; snap peas, red peppers; a sweet sauce, and french bread on the side. Absolutely yummy, and because my body won't allow me to ingest much, I ate less than 1 cup of pasta and felt completely full. We were both surprised LOL! I was sure that because of how full I felt, I would pay for it on the scale today, but... nope! Despite feeling stuffed last night I still experienced an .8 decrease in weight; .1% BMI, and .1% body fat this morning! *Doing a dance*

Only 10lbs before my goal weight to begin hCG!
I'm so excited! 
Think I'll make it before the treatment arrives?

Well, I'm off to Shimmy now. I may surprise myself with a little run around the neighborhood today as well :). We'll see!

~Hopeful Dieter

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