Friday, September 10, 2010

Whoopsie Daisy....

There's a thin line when it comes to salads...

More after the jump>>>

Yesterday I consumed what I thought to be a pretty healthy choice.... salad. If you remember, last time I ate a salad I experienced a .2lb weight gain. I attributed that to the fact that there was really nothing but meat in the salad. Really, I may as well have eaten a full BBQ rib tip burger for the amount of BBQ sauce that they added to the salad at the restaurant, but that's neither here nor there lol.

Point of this post is that yesterday for dinner I chose to partake in the most "awesomest" salad ever, and I honestly didn't think that eating it would result in another .2lb weight gain. SHEESH! Are salad's totally out?
Ok, here's the story: 
When I looked at that salad in all of it's tastiness I had this awful nagging voice in the back of my head saying "Don't do it, reconsider!" I really did; but my primary thought at the time was "it's lettuce.... it's veggies.... it's a little bread..... what can it hurt?" .... Soooo I ate the salad; thousand island and all. When I woke up this morning, the fact that I could still taste the salad only spelled bad news for me. With my head a little low, I eased toward the scale; stepped on and D***! That nagging voice was right. I stepped off and stepped back on 3 times hoping that maybe it measured wrong, or that maybe I was standing in a way that made me feel heavier lol, but nope! .2lb gain it is....

.2lbs increase
.1% increase

I'm going with a new rule of thumb from now on. If I have any thought at all that it'll result in a gain... I'm walking away from it. That simple!

The good news is that my body fat dropped by .1%
.1% decrease
I guess there's a silver lining after all.
And about those salads.... I'm sure they're not completely out. I'll just have to stop coating them with creamy dressings that are loaded with sugars.

***In other news*** I tracked my package; my hCG is inbound into customs in NYC as of 9/9. I'll say about 5 more days and I should have it YAAAAAAY!

Better news tomorrow
~Hopeful Dieter


  1. Walden Farms zero calorie, fat free, sugar free, and tasty, salad dressing. I bought mine at my local Target. I am a ranch dressing girl all the way, but when I eat it I gain more than .2lbs!! I am down 5 pounds in six days on the HCG, can't wait to see how well you do!!

  2. WOOOOWW!!! That is AWESOME!!!! I'm inspired; and I'll be hitting Target tonight. :-) Thanks!

  3. I'm on Day 18 of the HCG diet and down 20 pounds. I have not cheated nor even really had cravings, which is amazing to me.

    I'm starting to look forward to Phase 3 (stabilization) when I can have more choices, but thrilled with how it's going so far.

  4. Ok, so I have a question for you both. I've heard that there is mild hunger, but the book stated that most studies the participants even had a hard time eating a full 500cals. Can you relate? I'm curious to know what kind of experience I can really look forward to.


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