Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What Happens In...Stays In...lol

I've missed you guys! Glad to be back, but..... I was deserving :)

Pictures after the jump>>>

The last minute "rendezvous" went as planned. Totally awesome! Spent some much needed QT with the hubster, got to relax a little, lived, loved, and laughed.

Here's the scoop!

During the trip Aunt Flow decided to pay me a visit one day early :-/. This was no problem, but I have to admit that it did throw me off for a few days. I saw a 2lb increase on the scale after eating a 6in. veggie delight sub & broccoli cheddar soup from Subway. I woke up to the tune of 201.6.... :-/. I was so upset that I'd have to report a 2lb weight gain that I really felt like I was going to cry.
My initial reaction was that it was the Subway, but when I heard that Flow was arriving sooner than expected I quickly realized that there was more to the story. After day 2 of the cycle I saw the weight disappear :). Subway, frozen yogurt, and a piece of cake were the only chances I took. I stuck to microwaving steamers and 100 calorie snacks for the most part. Sounds boring, but I really had a good time despite my non-adventurous food choices. I'm going to take another update picture on Saturday. Hopefully I'll see more changes. I'm expecting the best! :)
 I have to admit that my weight and BMI have not changed from the last update, but this is not bad news.... it's much better than a gain, and considering that I'm on the last leg of my cycle I have a feeling that it will change very soon. My BF is down 0.1% and that is awesome! The bloat is subsiding and the awful cravings for sugary items are going with it :)

**Update 9/21 (day 26)**
No change
No change
I took a "body" snapshot that was really supposed to be a hair shot (since I have a new hairstyle) the other day, and I was pleasantly surprised with how I look :) That is really a great feeling!

My clothes are starting to hang :)
And here is another one that "The Boy" a.k.a. Dear hubby snapped over the weekend. What's funny is that I can actually stand to look at myself in pictures these days lol. This is going GREAT!
That romper is fitting better than ever!
Big changes from ....

I'll never be her again. I promise! Back to work I go :-) Enjoy your day!

So happy I could cry...
~Hopeful Dieter

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