Thursday, August 26, 2010

Prepared!... Or so I thought....

I had a conversation with Desiree of HcgdietJourney this morning, and I spoke about my hopes for my journey.
Her response: 
Just follow the basics, use real hCG and you will be amazed. 
I researched her site back and forth before I took the financial plunge. I prepared myself with knowledge and information about the product I would now be introducing into my system, and I compared what was available on the market through several google searches.
Wrong idea maybe?

More after the jump....
Sure it was! (In my case) LOL
Not that this is any new information to myself (or anyone else for that matter) but a mega corporation like google is often paid for top and featured spots on their searches, so just because something constantly comes up on google claiming number 1... doesn't actually mean that they are. DUH! LOL Well, against my better judgment... I went with "Number 1", but thankfully I had someone like Desiree there to help me out of the potential s*** storm I was about to experience.

A little advice:
Bottom line is if it doesn't test on a home pregnancy test it doesn't have hCG. The recommended dosage is 125 iu to 200. IF homeopathic has any hCG it is so minuscule you would need 125 bottles to get close to 125 iu.
They just do great marketing and a lot of disinformation. Sad. 

 So, I put my "financial pillage" to the test. My husband and I keep home pregnancy tests on hand, so I grabbed one and dropped a little homeopathic solution there and......
Drum rooooooll PLEASE! 
Whaaaa! Not preggers??
Interesting.... I dropped the solution directly onto the strip and..... nothing. Zip! 
And this actually would've been the first time I'd be excited to see two
Okay.... brush it off right? So I did a little more research on homeopathic solutions after our conversation. Here's a great article I found regarding homeopathic hCG solutions.
...the basic premise is that ‘like cures like’. By introducing what amounts to a poison (albeit diluted to the point where it is harmless) into the body that has a similar symptom to what is trying to be cured, the body responds by curing itself....
....the efficacy beyond a placebo effect are unsubstantiated by scientific and clinic evidence.  The idea that a pharmacological effect can take place with no active molecules is not only scientifically implausible, but violates fundamental principles of science...
Based on the principal of homeopathy, a homeopathic hCG compound effectively has NO hCG in the final mixture. If you were to do a home-pregnancy test on Homeopathic hCG by putting the Homeopathic hCG directly on the pregnancy test strip, it will not test positive because there is no hCG in your bottle of Homeopathic hCG (it should test positive on real hCG, because a pregnancy test detects hCG in the urine. Incidentally, if you are taking hCG and do this test on your supply, and it comes up negative, your hCG may be artificial, tainted, or past expiration)
...hCG is a hormone that has a specific action in one’s body to mobilize Abnormal Fat stores into the bloodstream.  Without any hCG in the body, this pharmacological effect doesn’t take place.  Any weight lost on Homeopathic hCG is most likely muscle and water weight. 

Leads me to believe that the weight lost in the process of using a homeopathic solution is sheerly due to the appreciable decrease in calories. Right... or right? In this case, your weight loss becomes a veritable battle of will, which is laughable since most people on this diet have already lost those battles long ago. It also makes sense of the hunger issue that most people say they encounter. Some people say that they have experienced hunger throughout their entire process. 26 whole days of hunger???... I admit I wasn't even sure if I'd be able to keep up. I have a friend who administers the 125iu's daily, and she says that she doesn't experience hunger, so I figured that was just the difference between the shot and the oral drops.
Not so!

So ultimately.... I have to wait another two weeks (hopefully I'll get it sooner) to begin because
Homeopathic hCG=placebo. Homeopathic hCG ≈ Hypoglycemia. 
Homeopathic hCG=DUPED! 


And for the record... I am NOT against homeopathic solutions because I am a firm believer in holistic health, but we all know the great lengths that people will go in order to make another quick buck on the weight loss market. There are tons of scams and potential scams, and usually when they find something that works, and it finally hits the commercial market, they water it down from it's original state and sell less of the actual product for twice the money, and we, the willing, want so badly to believe the claims that are being made that we don't hesitate to throw our hard earned dollars into it hoping that it's the next life changing miracle to be experienced. They know this, we know this... so why?

Well, It's a choice that unfortunately I'll have to live with. I'll see what I can do about getting my money back, but something tells me.... that'll be more than a long shot. Oh well. I live. I learn!
 That's the beauty of life right!? 

Until later,
~Hopeful Dieter

1 comment:

  1. So why does the drops help so many? my girlfriend has lost 52lbs ! 44lbs on her first round of 42 days, she just started her second round last tuesday.
    I'm confused

    im not anonumous, my name is Tanja Busch.


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